About Our School
Fast Facts
1130 W. Bridge Street
Wausau, WI 54401
Grades Served
Grades 6 - 8
School Day
Monday - Friday
7:30AM - 2:48PM
Frequently Asked Questions
- When is arrival and dismissal?
- What is the typical daily schedule?
- How will I be updated on my student's progress?
- How are faith and service incorporated into my child's day?
- What is the dress code?
- Where can I find the school calendar?
- How will I be informed about events and activities that are taking place at school?
- What extracurricular activities can my student participate in?
- Where can I find additional information regarding NCS' policies and procedures?
- Will I have volunteer opportunities?
- Is a Newman Catholic Schools education affordable for my family?
When is arrival and dismissal?
What is the typical daily schedule?
How will I be updated on my student's progress?
How are faith and service incorporated into my child's day?
What is the dress code?
Where can I find the school calendar?
How will I be informed about events and activities that are taking place at school?
What extracurricular activities can my student participate in?
Where can I find additional information regarding NCS' policies and procedures?
Will I have volunteer opportunities?
Is a Newman Catholic Schools education affordable for my family?
Upcoming Events
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